Sunday, July 19, 2009

Felt Felt Felt

Felt is my new friend! I love it. I've been sewing little felt flowers and cooing over their cuteness. I put some up on Etsy and have had two orders for them! I hope you'll check them out. Coming soon, other felt trinkets and miscellany, but for now here are some pictures of the felt flowers, in button and regular varieties...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Baby Board Books

Hello! If you're here from Etsy to see pictures of all the pages from the baby board books you found in my shop, this is the post for you! I've set up Flickr sets for you to easily view each collection page by page.

Click here to see books from the Little Star Collection.
Click here to see books from the Sweet Pea Collection.
Click here see books from the Honey Pie Collection.

Baby Carrot Designs on Etsy!

I've been busy making baby board books that are now on sale at the deliciously addictive Etsy! You can find my store at If you look on the side bar of this blog you'll also see a link plus a couple pics of my projects.

Etsy is a community of online stores featuring all handmade and/or vintage items. You can find beautiful and unique jewelry, clothes, paintings, paper crafts, pottery, and pretty much anything else under the sun. Need a good way to spend a few hours? Enjoy browsing the self-updating "Just Added" page, which scrolls pics of the most recently listed items.

I so very much appreciate the support and encouraging words of all the people who helped me bring this venture to life. I still need lots of help and feedback so let me hear your thoughts and suggestions about my Etsy store, this blog, the projects themselves, and so on.

And of course, if you have a scrapping job, I'm up to the challenge! Let's talk!